5G Chair Description
The Chair for Software Technology develops methods and tools for modern, reusable, adaptive and energy efficient software.
In software engineering, we are entering a new age, the age of software component integration. Classic programming is superseded by component composition and integration mechanisms like aspect-oriented programming, multi-dimensional separations of concerns, invasive software composition, model-based development, and generative programming. Because these techniques reduce complexity and enhance comprehensibility, they offer a considerable advantage for the construction of complex systems. This holds for a broad class of systems, such as business systems, software development systems, but also for resource-aware systems, such as embedded and real-time systems.
The Chair for Software Technology in the institute for software and multimedia technology (SMT) of Technische Universität Dresden, devotes itself to this new dawning age of integrational software engineering (ISE). It develops methods, techniques, and tools in the following areas:
Energy Aware and Optimized Software
Multi-Quality Auto-Tuning (MQuAT)
Run-time multi-quality optimization
Energy Labels for mobile and embedded systems
Profiling the energy consumption of software
Quality-smell identification and fixing in code
Cyber-Physical Systems
Smart-Application Grids (SMAGs)
Unanticipated Adaptation
Testing Self-Adaptive Systems (MATE)
Hardware/Software in the Loop
Model-Driven Software Development
Software Product Lines
Reference Attribute Grammars
Invasive Software Composition
Multi-Platform Code Generation
Constraint and Query Languages/OCL
Role-based Design and Programming
Innovation Ecosystems
The LINC Innovation-Ecosystem
Transclusion and Transconsitency
Ontology-Driven Requirements Engineering
Canvas Engineering
Cloud-based Incubation and Agile Development
Additional information is accessible at http://st.inf.tu-dresden.de/.