Since 2006, Christel Baier is a full professor and head of the chair for Algebraic and Logic Foundations of Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Technische Universität Dresden.
General Objective
Research topics covered by the group of Christel Baier are:
- modeling, specification and verification of reactive systems
- quantitative analysis of stochastic systems, probabilistic model checking
- coordination languages, compatibility of components
- temporal and modal logics
- automata over infinite structures, game theory
- verification of infinite-state systems
Recent work focusses on formal concepts for a trade-off analysis between cost and utility requirements and the application of probabilistic model-checking techniques to analyze resource-management protocols.
Approach within 5G Lab Germany
The goal of research lies in using probabilistic model-checking techniques to ensure the requirements next generation communications systems are facing (e.g., low latency, high resilience, …). Besides being important for the final communication system, verification is of utter interest also in early development stages to avoid costly redesign steps, e.g., in communication protocol design. The following picture illustrates the application of probabilistic model checking for a quantitative analysis in the scope of 5G:
Christel Baier’s group has a strong and long standing expertise in probabilistic model checking and performance analysis also covering the specification and quantitative analysis of communication systems. An overview about results published within her group can be found here.